These here are Phil and Susan, the resident frogs here at this near by island. ;)
Violet let them go, so that Phil could finish collecting dinner for Susan.
Lake was having a heck of a time whacking down the biggest and toughest weed I have ever seen.
Holly was having fun running around with Buttercup.
MacMurray looking handsome.
Buttercup is doing pretty much what I did the whole afternoon we were on the island. Stared. I quietly enjoyed the weather, the sights and loving doing nothing but enjoying my family.
Why do we (I) ever try to clutter up life with unnecessary things that $$ buys when there is such an abundance that the Lord has blessed us with?
I'm sorry if this is boring but for me (and maybe for you to), I'm gunna list off the free blessings I had on this day before me to acknowledge the fact that no unnecessary $$ needed to be spent. Here is what there was to freely enjoy:
Gods gift of eternal life, my husband, my children, our health, a free country to live in, a warm sunny day, a place to kayak to, kayaks, our puppies, food to eat on our picnic, the sand between my toes, clean water to swim in, places to explore, animals to find and watch, sunglasses and swimsuits. I could find others...
With that I want to end this off with stating that our family is going to go on a spending fast. My husband heard of this womans blog on the radio and how she got out of debt going on a spending fast. That for us, I believe will help us get a good perspective on how we view money and possessions. Pay off debt and appreciate the simple pleasures in life, leaving behind the belief that one needs to spend money to enjoy life. We still have some decisions to make regarding the "rules" but we basically want to follow most of the ones on the blog.
Hebrews 13:5
Keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have.
Proverbs 22:7The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower becomes the lender’s slave.