What is it that killed the cat again?!?! |
The simple way of life is truly hard this day and age, but through my faith, I can keep it real through life’s: love and errors, trials and laughter.
Monday, 30 July 2012
Saturday, 28 July 2012
What do we have here? Three cute children eating-- homemade ice cream?!!
I never would have thought that it could be so easy to make! I saw the light in a recent article in a Woman's Day mag.
In a large mixing bowl, beat on high until stiff peaks form,
2 cups of heavy cream----------------->
Can of sweetened condensed milk----->
And a tablespoon of the vanilla >
Freeze for at least 4 hours. YUMMY!
So why am I posting a picture of an old ugly patio table?
Because I'm too cheap to get rid of it just because it was ugly. And so I added a bunch of magazine pictures, that I glued on the washed surface. A lot of varnish (probably 15 coats) and some blue paint for plastic to make the border on the top and cover the legs of the table. Now I have a unique patio table that will disguise future stains when they happen. And they will happen. It took me about 2 months to get around to completing the whole project. I did bits here and there, but at least I am able to use it this summer, yay!
I never would have thought that it could be so easy to make! I saw the light in a recent article in a Woman's Day mag.
In a large mixing bowl, beat on high until stiff peaks form,
2 cups of heavy cream----------------->
Can of sweetened condensed milk----->
And a tablespoon of the vanilla >
Freeze for at least 4 hours. YUMMY!
Because I'm too cheap to get rid of it just because it was ugly. And so I added a bunch of magazine pictures, that I glued on the washed surface. A lot of varnish (probably 15 coats) and some blue paint for plastic to make the border on the top and cover the legs of the table. Now I have a unique patio table that will disguise future stains when they happen. And they will happen. It took me about 2 months to get around to completing the whole project. I did bits here and there, but at least I am able to use it this summer, yay!
This cute shirt that my littlest outgrew was too cute to not think of a new purpose for it. I came up with:
turning it into a purse.
Its a keeper.
Friday, 27 July 2012
Thursday, 26 July 2012
(insert cute squeakie tone of voice) "Hello, My name is Buttercup. I was adopted a month ago and I'm 12 weeks old. My new family LOVES me so much. I am super cute, can u blame them?"
My oldest, Holly was allowed to buy herself a puppy with money she saved up. And so we all have the advantage of helping out and enjoying Buttercups company as well. She is such a blessing. A lot of work and patience is needed but I believe she is being used to teach us all many good things. And the fluffy snuggles and stinky kisses are a huge added bonus!
My oldest, Holly was allowed to buy herself a puppy with money she saved up. And so we all have the advantage of helping out and enjoying Buttercups company as well. She is such a blessing. A lot of work and patience is needed but I believe she is being used to teach us all many good things. And the fluffy snuggles and stinky kisses are a huge added bonus!
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Garden Notes and Being REAL
Lil' watermelon |
Green Beans |
One lone tomato |
Green Onions (obviously :P ) |
Cucumbers!!! |
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Lots of beans!!! |
Radishes!!! |
With that aside, I had a bit of time to recollect my thoughts recently. And I thought on how I wanted this blog to be about keeping it real. Also I don't want there to be an air of how this is how to have the perfect life. I try hard to make the most of life, enjoy the simple pleasures of life with my family, but by no means is it easy or perfect. And by saying this I will include the fact that I did start the summer rather reluctantly, for the simple fact that I know my children and they are approaching the age that they are not as easily occupied or amused as easily. So I worried about how they would handle the days being at home a lot more. And moms crazy activities are not quite as entertaining as they used to be. Can I also include that they love to drive each other mad? Now with it being half the summer over, I see how my fears did come true. I'm truly hoping that they did not come true on my own accord (with almost being in expectation of it). On top of this is the fact that every mother faces, that kids are demanding of your time, patience, and energy. And for me its all way too much to handle lately. I truly feel alone in how I feel so overwhelmed. Sometimes it feels like, it doesn't let up. UNLESS I am re-leaved for some period of time. Which in my case is not enough for me. And that is reflected in how I react to the kids. And I feel its not fair for them. And so I guess I am learning for real how I need to take care of myself so I can better take care of those entrusted to me by God. I so want to do the best job I can, and loosing my temper or feeling like I'm gunna turn into the HULK is not where I want to be. God Himself took time for himself, and He is my example. So should I be so afraid, or prideful, or ashamed to say: I need some time to myself? I teach my kids about diversity so often, I truly believe that its so awesome how God made everyone different, but I wont allow myself to accept me and the fact that I need a lot of time to get my bearings, recharge so I can be in best shape mentally. I hate feeling inadequate for the job of mothering and am afraid of anyone thinking the less of me. This all made me think of the serenity prayer.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
Ahhh... Being real is a relief. It really is giving God the reins.--Reinhold Niebuhr
Thursday, 19 July 2012
Scones and Community Clean-Up

I saw a good idea for a summer activity to do with the kids: to do a community clean-up We set out on our clean up, early in the morning before it got to hot. Along with us, we brought our own garbage pokers, fashioned from sharpened sticks, recycle bags, gloves and bug spray. We walked along our favorite path, and the highway we trek on mostly. We filled 3 bags in 2 hours. I was so impressed with the enthusiasm and effort, from the kids. So we went out for fresh cut fries at a near by fry truck.
I wonder if they will be up to doing the other side of the highway next week?
Doesn't this make a good garbage picking outfit?
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
/ / Pause Button / /
"God help us to live slowly, to move simply, to look softly, to allow emptiness, to let the heart create for us. Amen."
-Michael Leunig
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Everyone had fun observing it |
From a distance. |
The next weekend we thought it would be fun to search for more snakes in the forrest near by. And you can tell by the way my daughter is not looking into the camera but keeping her eyes on this... |
Ya we found another snake. |
Monday, 16 July 2012
On the Ottawa River, in a Kayak, with a Four Year Old . . . ya
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We spot some geese swimming as we paddle by. I wont get into how my 4 year old argued (for quite some time) with me that these were ducks. |
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We spent some time exploring an island. There was a lot of beauty to see. |
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We head back after exploring for an hour. |
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There are those GEESE again. They thought we were following them. Well I did for a little bit so I could get a good picture. |
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